Star Trek Judgment Rites Deutsch Englisch

Posted By admin On 16/06/18

'User sumary' Star Trek Judgment Rites is a stand alone expansion of Star Trek 25th Anniversary edition. A scroll adventure that divides into two parts, on board USS Enterprise where combat with other ships may occur, and on the landing party (that might be another ship, a planet or starbase) where the objective will be to solve and face any problems for the completion of your mission. Unlike 25th Aniversary here you will be able to have all crew members available to you. Although you only control Kirk, the landing parties are always composed of 4 members, and this time you will be able to have by your side Sulu, Chekov, Uhura and Scotty.

Even if you dont have their voices. This time, at least the version I own, doesnt have the voices of the crew.


Insider - Information about all domains. 0049 Robbie Williams - Facing the Ghosts, Paul Scott, John Last 7753 English. In 1993, Interplay Productions, Inc. Publishes Star Trek: Judgment Rites on DOS. This adventure and simulation game is now abandonware and is set in a puzzle-solving, sci-fi / futuristic, licensed title and space flight. Star Trek Judgment Rites Deutsch Download Voices from all the original cast. A mix of shooter and adventure perfectly in the spirit of the original.

About This Game THE FIVE YEAR MISSION CONTINUES! Packard Bell Easynote B3600 Wifi Tv. Captain's Log, Stardate 6238.4. There is no doubt that you are being watched. By whom or by what type of life form is unknown.

Even Spock is unable to make sense of the data. The occurrences are just too strange: Is that really an ancient World War I triplane heading straight for you at Warp 9? How can your sensors suddenly detect life forms on a dead planet? Where did that primitive race obtain such advanced technology? No, it couldn't be Dr. Bredell of the Vardaine Science Counsel.

He didn't survive your last encounter. The tension increases as you beam down to mysterious worlds and encounter strange adversaries in logic defying situations. You are a long way from Starfleet Command and only you can discover who - or what - is challenging you beyond your wildest nightmares.