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Posted By admin On 06/10/17

Donate CDNJS $5 on Bountysource or become a contributor on GitHub to make the project better and better! Lodash Show lodash.js Source code. Return Download lodash: download lodash.js Source code - Download lodash Source code - Type.js /** * @license. A drop-in replacement for Underscore.js, from the devs behind jsPerf.com, delivering performance, bug fixes, and additional features.

Fate Hollow Ataraxia Pc Iso Sites. Esi Access Software Print Overlay. You can use my super-compressed files for whatever purpose you like as long as you respect the library's original license agreement. There are no restrictions from my side - but please avoid hot-linking if you run a high-traffic website. These command-line settings yielded the best compression ratio so far (Linux version of ): zopfli --i100000 --mb8 --mls256 --bsr16 --lazy --ohh (found April 12, 2016) Description Value Parameter iterations 100000 --i100000 maximum blocks 8 --mb8 maximum length score 256 --mls256 block splitting recursion 16 --bsr16 lazy matching in LZ77 yes --lazy optimized Huffman headers yes --ohh initial random W for iterations 1 --rw1 initial random Z for iterations 2 --rz2. Changelog Best Zopfli parameters so far: Size Improvement Parameters Found 20990 bytes -4 bytes zopfli --i100000 --mls256 --bsr16 --lazy --ohh April 12, 2016 @ 4 bytes -4 bytes zopfli --i10000 --mls256 --bsr16 --lazy --ohh April 12, 2016 @ 8 bytes -10 bytes zopfli --i1000 --mls256 --bsr16 --lazy --ohh April 12, 2016 @ 8 bytes – zopfli --i100 --mls256 --bsr16 --lazy --ohh April 12, 2016 @ 02:56 If there are multiple parameter sets yielding the same compressed size, only the first one found is shown. Most recent activity on November 22, 2016 @ 16:35.

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Heatmaps This Zopfli heatmap visualizes how compression changes when modifying the --bsr and --mls parameter. Hasee Notebook Hec41 Wifi Drivers more. Cell's contents is the best filesize achieved (in bytes, hover with mouse over cells to see number of iterations).

Good parameters are green, bad are red. The best and worst are bold as well. The brightness of the blue background color indicates how many iterations were processed: 10,000 or 100,000. Non-DEFLATE Algorithms Archivers based on completely different compression algorithms often produce superior results.