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Posted By admin On 12/02/18
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Preparing your template When preparing your template, there's a few things to ensure: • Make sure you own the copyright on any assets (e.g. Images) in the template. • Save the template by choosing File >Save as Template rather than just as a regular document. • Because iWork documents are 'bundles', they need to be compressed before you upload them. In the Finder, simply right-click or control-click on your template, and choose Create archive of or Compress Making your Previews To show off your work, it's important to make preview images that users can see before they download your template. One easy way to do this is as follows: • In iWork, choose File >Print.

Free sample business plan with template for business plan plus business plan software, shareware and advice.

From the PDF menu, select Save as PDF • Open your PDF file in Preview • Select a page that you want to make an image for, and choose File >Save As • Select 'JPEG' or 'PNG' as the format, and set the Resolution to 72 pixels / inch (or 29 pixels / cm) Create a maximum of 3 previews for your template. Licensing By default, templates on this site are in the public domain. If you would like, you are free to license your work in some way (for example, Creative Commons licenses). If you would like to do this, simply include a file called 'LICENSE' or similar in your archive before uploading. However, you must choose a license that allows free distribution on, and at a minimum, free non-commercial use. If you came to this page looking for legalese, you might be disappointed; sadly, this can all be easily read by an average English-speaking human.

Please read the following paragraphs, as there are some important details about licensing and copyright, among other things, that will affect how you use Unless otherwise noted, the free templates offered on this site are offered in the public domain, and are free for both non-commercial and commercial use. Elements used in the templates may fall under other licences, in which case the terms of those licences would apply to those elements. Template authors are welcome to specify other licences if they wish, providing that those licences allow for the free distribution and (at a minimum) non-commercial use of the template.

Examples of such licences include (but are not restricted to) licences. Template authors may specify other licences in the template description, or by including a file with their template download that describes the licence in use. Template authors are responsible for the content of their templates.

Uploading templates containing material which is prohibited by law in the country of origin, in Canada, or in the United States is not permitted. Bleach Movies Dual Audio 720p Free Download. and Rosborough Tech Co. Bodhi Puja Gatha Pdf Writer more. Make no claims or warranty about the copyright status of submitted templates or elements in the templates; it is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the content of templates does not violate copyright or other laws. reserves the right to reject or remove templates for any reason whatsoever, including (but not limited to) suspected copyright infringement. If you have concerns about the legality of any of our downloads, please contact us. (the website) and the files that it makes available for download are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind. Install Recovery Xperia X8 Ram. It is possible (but unlikely) that damage to your computer or other losses may result from your use of our site or downloads. Use at your own risk. collects no personal information if you simply want to use our templates. We use Google Analytics, which does measure how long you've been on our site, tracks what pages you visited, and records your rough geographical location based on your IP address. For more information, you are welcome to visit the In order to upload templates to our site, you will need to register as a user. This requires a valid email address and a password.

The email address will never be shared with a third party; we will use it only to contact you with regard to activity on, including (but not limited to) issues we may have with templates you've uploaded, or notifications about new features or services available on Your password is not stored in plain text at any time; we store only a strongly-encrypted 'hash' of your password, making it virtually impossible to retrieve your password by hacking into our system. reserves the right to change this policy without notice at any time.