Blood Donation Drivers

Posted By admin On 02/05/18
Blood Donation Drivers

Donor Advantage Program. Each time you save lives by making a blood, platelet or plasma donation you’ll earn Advantage points redeemable for a wide variety of gifts.


The following are suggestions that will aid a successful corporate or community blood drive: Select a Blood Drive Coordinator A single point of contact should be selected before any blood drive planning. The blood drive coordinator is responsible for promoting the blood drive and helping recruit blood donors. Be sure to select someone who has time to devote to the blood drive to ensure its success. Obtain Support from Leadership Receive buy-in from upper management or a leader in the organization – someone to whom employees or members will listen and respond. Mentions in an organizational newsletter or at staff meetings, letter or email distribution, and other forms of outreach encouraging participation will go a long way toward ensuring blood drive success. Organize a Planning Committee The planning committee is in charge of the logistics of the blood drive, as well as recruitment of blood donors.

Items that will fall under the responsibility of the planning committee include: • Logistics: Determine where and when the blood drive will take place. Supply directions for the location and meet with Central Blood Bank personnel to help with set-up the day of the drive. • Recruitment: Encourage people to attend the blood drive. Tips to follow to ensure high donor turnout include personally asking people to donate either face-to-face or by phone or email, and marketing the blood drive at high-traffic locations or organizational events.

For more recruitment tips. • Publicity: Publicize the blood drive with posters and flyers supplied by Central Blood Bank: hang posters in high-traffic areas of the organization, distribute flyers at functions, mail handouts home to employees or members and post blood drive information on the intranet or in internal publications. Remember that word-of-mouth publicity is always helpful, too! • Personal Testimonials: Employees or members who have been personally touched by blood donors can be powerful motivators. With his or her permission, promote this personal testimonial in organizational materials.

• Scheduling and Reminding Donors: Sign up and schedule each potential donor with a donation time. This helps Central Blood Bank staff and saves time for donors, too. Send Central Blood Bank a copy of the schedule one week prior to the drive. • Create an Event: A blood drive should be fun! A theme for your blood drive can help achieve this. Shogun 2 Total War Fall Of The Samurai Crack Fix Pirate Costumes more. Use the seasons, holidays or a date that’s meaningful to the organization to help infuse fun and freshness into the blood drive!