Baby Shaker Ipa Download Sites

Posted By admin On 15/02/18
Ipa Download Site

Wednesday, April 22, 2009, 4:38 PM yanked a disturbing application Wednesday called 'Baby Shaker,' which allowed users to silence a virtual screaming infant by shaking their phone. The 99-cent application, created by a company called Sikalosoft, went on sale in the App Store on Monday and quickly outraged child welfare groups, who demanded an apology from. Nhl 13 Keygen Music. 'Not only are they making fun of shaken baby syndrome, but they are actually encouraging it. This is absolutely terrible,' said, founder of the. Baby Shaker features a sketch of a cute baby that quickly dissolves into tears and cries on the iPhone screen.

Users then violently shake their phone until the child stops crying - and red X's morbidly appear over the baby's eyes. A description of the application ends with the words, 'Never, never shake a baby.' But it also sinisterly challenges users: 'See how long you can endure his or her adorable cries before you just have to find a way to quiet the baby down!' Parents of children affected by brain injuries found the game not only distasteful and offensive but downright dangerous. 'For them to make a joke of something that is the most horrifying form of child abuse is absurd,' said, whose 2-year-old son suffered brain damage after being shaken by his biological father. Dickens, spokeswoman for the, said Baby Shaker is particularly dangerous because applications are often targeted toward young men - who could be new fathers. Her association wants Jobs to apologize personally to parents of shaken baby syndrome victims and survivors.

Eterna Ghirlanda Brillante Pdf Viewer on this page. It's unclear how the macabre game got past bigwigs at Apple, who have vowed to rigorously screen all applications sold in Apple's online store. News writer points out that the company has banned applications for simply including curse words or other objectionable content, but 'you are allowed to simulate infanticide.'